- The microprocessor world has changed dramatically over the past 10 years. High-frequency single-core CPUs once considered ideal are now passed over in favor of more efficient multi-processor chips running at lower frequencies. The Xputer Patent Portfolio was developed at the forefront of these changing tides. Using Xputer technologies, one can build dynamic multicore processors where the number of cores and applications is only limited by your imagination.
- The Xputer Portfolio also features numerous innovations in Dynamic Architecture technologies which focus on reconfiguring a device to change its character on the fly: enabling a chip to become more powerful, more power efficient, or change its instruction set in the field as new system requirements arise.
Features and Applications
See the Xputer Portfolio Lifecycle Chart.
Dynamic Architecture | Xputer technology allows systems to change their characteristics on-the-fly, after deployment. Using dynamic architecture a system can not only change its soft-processor features but can also physically reconfigure itself to adapt to new system requirements. |
Hybrid Systems (CPU/FPGA) | In todays computing market, there are myriads of choices available for computational workloads. CPUs, GPUs, GPGPUs, FPGAs to name a few. Each type of processor has strengths and weakness. Using Xputer technology, a designer can combine one or more of the types of processors into a single system which amplifies the strength of different processor classes. |
Advanced Resource Arbitration | To manage the increased complexity of modern systems which can dynamically assign resources to different devices, such as processors or elements, Xputer enables efficient management of the computing environment to come; marrying the world of serial processing with parallel processing in powerful new ways to create the devices of the future that can easily handle both the parallel and serial computer tasks without waiting for the next major product update to enable your devices to reach their full potential. |
XPUTER Innovator
Martin Vorbach started his programming career at the age of 9 by writing programs for a German construction company. In 1986 he worked with Transputer, which was one of the world’s first parallel architecture computers. In 1990, Mr. Vorbach attended the University of Karlsruhe where he honed his interests in signal processing and parallel computing. He filed his first patent application in 1992 on a high-speed communication network design. Recently, Mr. Vorbach co-founded PACT XPP Technologies AG and PACT GmbH, where he serves as Chief Technology Officer for both companies. Mr. Vorbach is still active in research and continues to innovate file patents on his inventions to this day.